Indiana Online prides itself on having the ability to offer student, teacher, and counselor support through our Student Services department. We serve both full-time academy and supplemental students. Our team consists of the Academy Director, three licensed Professional School Counselors, and a licensed Special Education teacher. We strive to meet each learner where they are in their educational journey. Our backgrounds provide us with the lens needed to evaluate student needs and desires for a successful outcome.
Our team works closely with schools and counselors to create a check and balance system to ensure that students are selecting the courses they need for their academic program. When a student requests a course, our Student Information System automatically emails their counselor to approve or deny the selection. This helps to foster a great working relationship between our Student Services professional and the counselor.
We work hard to provide support for all students throughout their session to ensure that any student who is falling behind does not slip through the cracks. For our asynchronous courses, we provide a pacing guide with suggested due dates to stay on track and finish on time. Our team meets weekly to review student progress, and we personally reach out to students who are struggling to see what interventions we need to put into place. A Support and Communication plan has been developed to provide weekly interventions. These interventions are provided by the teacher, Student Services team, and the school of record counselor.
To keep families in the know, we publish a quarterly Family Newsletter to provide course information, helpful tips for online learning, information on how to access our Student Information System, and important dates. Families are encouraged to monitor student progress by creating Guardian accounts in our Student Information System (Genius) and our Learning Management System (Canvas). These accounts give the family member access to student course progress and the ability to easily reach out to the teacher at any time. Family support is essential for successful online learning.
The Student Services department at Indiana Online strives to build relationships with students and families to achieve academic goals. Our high-tech environment, in conjunction with our Student Services team, provides students with the opportunity to receive the foundation they need to grow and learn. Our mission is to support and serve our schools, families, students, and counselors and help students become successful online learners.
For more information about partnering with Indiana Online or taking classes visit our website or contact us at 317-759-5559.