Why become a partner?
Partnering with Indiana Online is easy and will give your students flexibility with their education. Read more below to see if Indiana Online can meet your needs.

For a student to be eligible to take a course through Indiana Online, your school must first become a partner by signing a General Partnership Contract. This contract simply states the school permits the student to take courses through Indiana Online and the school will award credit upon successful completion of the course. Indiana Online agrees to provide Indiana Standard-Based curriculum, an Indiana licensed teacher, and the content through a learning management system.
Indiana Online is a non-profit initiative of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) that provides services to school districts. CIESC is just one of nine service centers across the state. For more information on CIESC- please visit the website at CIESC.org. Indiana Online is fully accredited through the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), however, Indiana Online operates as a supplemental program that does not award the credit for student’s work; the student’s school awards the credit.
Indiana Online offers over 180 semester-long courses, including full-time, Advanced Placement, and dual credit courses. The majority of courses offered are developed by Indiana Online and are all taught by Indiana licensed teachers, each teaching within his or her content area, and meet the Indiana state standards. Our courses are not “computerized” or correspondence courses. Indiana Online students have the unique opportunity to learn with students from different schools across Indiana that represent different cultures and diversities. Throughout the supplemental program, the student can work on his/her own time, at home, at school, or in a library. Indiana Online offers flexible enrollment throughout the school year. The final exam(s) is required. You may consider using Indiana Online for special circumstances, such as a homebound student, scheduling conflicts, students wanting AP, dual credit, expanding your school’s course offerings, fulfilling teacher shortages, and providing a full-time virtual option.
There is no membership fee or initial cost to the school. The school determines who is responsible for the payment of the courses. Some schools pay for a portion of the fee, while others pay nothing, making the fee the responsibility of the student. The General Partnership Contract and the counselor’s contact information are necessary to open registration for your students. The counselors’ emails are needed to enroll them into the system, allowing them to receive notification of a student’s enrollment pending their approval, as well as give counselors access to the student’s progress and grades throughout the term.
Indiana Online stands ready to partner with your district/school to offer this quality program in a cost-effective manner. Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a meeting. We look forward to the opportunity to serve your students!