The primary purpose of Indiana Online is the pursuit of knowledge. As such, the principles of academic integrity – honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility – are vital to its success. Activities or intentions that interfere with these principles are strictly prohibited.
Inappropriate (non educational) use of the online course environment may result in removal from the course and/or other disciplinary action. This includes email, chat, discussion forums, and all other components of the course. Tools provided to students by Indiana Online are only to be used as they contribute to completing the online course. All tools are for “Educational Use Only!”
You, your instructor and the other members of your online course are all expected to conduct yourselves with the same level of respect, professionalism and courtesy as you would in a classroom environment. Any and all communication that is conducted via the phone, e-mail, discussion board or chat room must be done in an appropriate manner and tone.
The temptation to cheat while taking a distance education course may be especially great; after all, a teacher isn’t there to watch you while you complete your work. Be fair to yourself and other students by avoiding the temptation and doing your own work. We fully expect you to complete all course work honestly. Honesty is the Indiana Online policy!
Cheating involves submitting work in a written assignment or exam that is not your own. Cheating includes:
- Copying someone else’s work.
- Allowing someone else to copy your work.
- Having someone else complete your work for you.
- Using unauthorized material to help you complete your work.
If a course instructor detects cheating on a written assignment or exam, the instructor may recommend, depending on the severity of the cheating, that you receive:
- A reduced grade for the written assignment or exam.
- No credit for the written assignment or exam.
- A reduced grade for the entire course.
- A failing grade for the entire course (forfeiting all course fees).
Plagiarism is a type of cheating in that you are stealing someone else’s work and present it as your own. If you use the ideas, words, or statements of another person or source to support your ideas, you must always give credit to the person or source.
If an instructor detects plagiarism in a written assignment or exam, the instructor may recommend, depending on the severity of the plagiarism that you receive:
- A reduced grade for the written assignment or exam.
- No credit for the written assignment or exam.
- A reduced grade for the entire course.
- A failing grade for the entire course (forfeiting all course fees).