Indiana Online’s Academy Program is a full-time virtual solution for partnering Indiana school districts. Students remain a part of their school of record community but receive their curriculum and instruction from Indiana Online’s teaching staff.
The Highlights
- Flexible, open enrollment
- Personalized schedule to meet individualized student needs
- District maintains student ADM funding, but uses a portion to pay for student IOA cost
- Students may continue co-curricular and extracurricular activities if permitted by the district
- Traditional home school students have an option to stay district students, but receive a virtual education
- Intermediate (5-6), Middle (7-8) and High School (9-12) accredited curriculum offering AP and Dual Credit options
- WIN – What I Need – time each Wednesday

Students / Families
Intermediate School Details
- Serving students in grades 5th and 6th
- Dedicated full-time teacher for all core courses (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies)
- Independent ELA Lab focusing on reading and writing
- Independent elective options
- Project-based learning
- Serving students in grades 7th and 8th
- Customized to student needs
- Dedicated full-time core curriculum teachers (English, Math, Science and Social Studies)
- Indiana Online Academy core curriculum (synchronous schedule with asynchronous components)
- Indiana Online electives (asynchronous delivery with synchronous assistance, as needed)
- Serving students in grades 9th thru 12th
- Personalized schedule to offer flexibility in learning to meet individual student needs
- Dedicated full-time core curriculum teachers available for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies
- Indiana Online Academy core curriculum via live Zoom sessions
- Indiana Online electives (asynchronous delivery with synchronous assistance, as needed)
- Options available for 5th thru 12th
- Customized to include live Zoom and/or asynchronous learning personalized to the student’s needs
- Detailed Grade Report provided encompassing all courses completed to allow for easy diploma tracking
- Assistance in course selection aligned to Indiana graduation requirements
Who We Are - View our Virtual Open House
Indiana Online has been the blessing we had needed for so long. I can’t tell you how much he loves it and how much we love seeing him get so much from it. It truly is a perfect fit!
I cried tears of joy [after our case conference] because of all the positive and kind comments about my son. He really enjoys your program and adores his teachers and they are great with him. There aren’t enough words to express the indescribable feelings I experienced after I processed everything. We love IOA and I am excited for my other son to be a part of your amazing program!
For Schools
School districts are losing students every year to full-time virtual public or charter schools, thus losing the student ADM. The Indiana Online Academy (IOA) provides a solution that could greatly benefit Indiana districts allowing them to keep all of their students, meet individual needs, and remove the burden of running their own virtual program.
Academy Responsibilities
- Provide full-time teachers in all four core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Provide software, such as LMS, SIS, Video Conferencing
- Synchronous schedule via live Zoom for core subjects
- Dedicated teacher providing live instruction following a master schedule
- Built in time for districts to meet with their students if needed
- Provide asynchronous electives through Indiana Online
- Dedicated administrative staff and counselor
- Institute WIN – What I Need – time for students on Wednesday
District Responsibilities
- Provide liaison to IOA
- Provide the student technology hardware needed (Laptop, Chromebook, etc.) for the courses
- Award credit for the courses on the student’s transcript to provide student with school district diploma
- Conduct all required state testing
- Meet all IEP/504/ILP needs for the student
- Report daily attendance to the state
- Per course fee with no minimum or maximum number of courses required
- Easy application process
- IOA coordinates with school of record counselor to build optimal schedule
- Personalized schedule to offer flexibility in learning to meet individual student needs
- Semester and trimester timing available to align to school of record calendar
- Live Zoom following a master schedule available for English, Math, Science, Social Studies
- All courses available asynchronously with an Indiana certified teacher attached
- Detailed grade report documenting all courses
- Dedicated IOA staff to monitor student progress
- Per course fee with no minimum or maximum number of courses required
- Easy application process
- IOA coordinates with school of record counselor to build optimal schedule
- Personalized schedule to offer flexibility in learning to meet individual student needs
- Live Zoom following a master schedule available for English, Math, Science, Social Studies
- All courses available asynchronously with an Indiana certified teacher attached
- Detailed grade report documenting all courses
- Dedicated IOA staff to monitor student progress
- Per course fee with a minimum of five core courses (English, ELA Lab, Math, Science, Social Social Studies)
- IOA coordinates with school of record liaison to identify electives
- Live Zoom following a master schedule for English, Math, Science, Social Studies
- Wednesday is an asynchronous day to allow for 1:1 sessions and small group work
- Independent learning for electives and ELA Lab
- Detailed grade report documenting all courses
- Dedicated IOA staff to monitor student progress