Indiana Online consists of the following components, each integral to our instruction and setting us apart from other online education providers:
Indiana Online is unique in that we employ only licensed Indiana teachers to deliver our courses. These teachers hail from across Indiana, providing a diverse learning experience. What’s more, all teachers only instruct in the area of their expertise – math teachers only teach math, science teachers only teach science, and so on.
The end result is a highly-qualified faculty dedicated to providing the best education possible.
A list of our teachers and their credentials is available here.
Indiana Online is unique in that we employ only licensed Indiana teachers to deliver our courses. These teachers hail from across Indiana, providing a diverse learning experience. What’s more, all teachers only instruct in the area of their expertise – math teachers only teach math, science teachers only teach science, and so on.
The end result is a highly-qualified faculty dedicated to providing the best education possible.
A list of our teachers and their credentials is available here.
Important for any online school is the means in which course material is delivered. Because Indiana Online does not have physical classrooms, we rely on a product created for the express purpose of internet-based learning called Desire2Learn. D2L serves as a structure for disseminating course lectures and information, managing course administration such as grades, and allowing students to “hand in” homework in a secure manner.
Indiana Online is backed by a group of people who know education. These former teachers and administrators are dedicated to the purpose of Indiana Online, providing quality education for Indiana high school students.
A list of staff bios is available here.
Another differentiator which sets Indiana Online apart is also one of our greatest assets: the full support of all high schools in which we offer Indiana Online courses. This means there are no credits to transfer – if your child successfully completes a course from Indiana Online, you can be sure they will receive Indiana credit for it, in the semester of enrollment. Thus, no waiting, no wondering what classes will transfer.
We work closely with administrators at each of our partner schools to reach an agreement for Indiana Online’s delivery within that school to circumvent any administrative snags which would otherwise likely be encountered.
The drawback to our conservative approach is that if Indiana Online is not offered at your child’s school, they cannot currently enroll in Indiana Online courses. A list of the schools we currently partner with is available here, though we are constantly expanding this list. If you would like to request Indiana Online availability in your school or district, please contact your student’s high school.