Indiana Online strives to engage students with innovative technologies to help students achieve their educational goals. Online learning allows for customized experiences providing flexibility and accessibility to students. At Indiana Online, we enhance the online learning experience by providing highly-qualified teachers with continuous professional development opportunities.
Many online course providers offer content only or a teacher who simply presents content. We want our students to thrive in their online courses, therefore we put significant effort into hiring highly-qualified, Indiana-certified teachers and provide training in best practices for online instruction. Our teachers provide instruction to students all over the state, giving each student individual attention tailored to their specific needs. Newly hired Indiana Online teachers go through an onboarding process. Throughout this process, teachers learn the procedures of online instruction along with online pedagogy.
Professional development opportunities are provided to teachers throughout each session focusing on a variety of online instructional topics. Most recently, Indiana Online teachers have received training on how to best support struggling, online students. Indiana Online teachers go above and beyond by delivering personalized feedback on assignments and provide instructional opportunities to meet student needs such as small group sessions or individual help sessions. Students are able to connect with teachers to receive real-time support in their learning.
Dedicated teachers paired with continuous professional development opportunities is what sets our program apart making Indiana Online a trusted resource for schools across the state. We are proud to work with these high-quality teachers who focus on providing engaging learning experiences helping students achieve their personal goals. Explore our full list of available courses. Reach out to Instructional Specialist, Melissa Bardack, for employment inquiries. She may be reached at mbardack@indianaonline.org or 317-614-7947.