We are excited to announce the launch of our new synchronous online tutoring program for grades K-12. This program provides students with the opportunity to receive real-time, personalized support from experienced and knowledgeable Indiana-licensed teachers, all from the at their convenience as long as they have internet connection.
While the need for tutoring is nothing new, through the pandemic many parents found value in not spending the time in the car dropping their students off and waiting for them to complete their tutoring in person. Our synchronous online tutoring program aims to meet this need by offering students a flexible and convenient way to receive help with their studies live through Zoom.
In synchronous online tutoring sessions, both the tutor and the student are present and actively participating in real time. This allows for a more interactive and personalized learning experience compared to asynchronous tutoring methods, where students work independently and reach out to the tutor as needed.
Our 14 full-time tutors are committed to helping students reach their full potential. Whether a student is struggling with a particular subject or just looking for additional support, our tutors are available to provide the help they need.
What sets our tutoring program apart is that we bring in the student’s school of record. Utilizing our student information system, communication and tutoring sessions are logged, as well as benchmarks identified and progress captured for all stakeholders. Kara Heichelbech, Indiana Online Director of Student Learning, stated “We are bringing everybody who is concerned about a student’s educational success to the table.”
Districts/schools have the option to purchase blocks of time or parents may pay for sessions themselves. Review our Tutoring Pricing Structure for costs, as well as package discounts. If you are unsure if your school of record is part of an educational service center (ESC), you can search for it on the ESC Membership List.
For more information or to find a tutor, visit our website or contact us at 317-759-5559.