Quality Online Instruction Created by Indiana Teachers for Indiana Schools

Quality Online Instruction Created by Indiana Teachers for Indiana Schools

As one of the largest online supplemental and full time course providers for grades 7-12, Indiana Online (IO) offers a multitude of learning solutions. More than 300 Indiana schools partner with this non-profit provider to offer year-round or summer courses that are created and taught by licensed Indiana teachers and are intentionally tailored to meet their needs and the needs of their students. The rigorous curriculum, accredited by Cognia and approved by the NCAA, is presented in a number of formats. Through Indiana Online’s FlexED, Academy, and Supplemental course offerings, Indiana students can take advantage of these courses to access content not available in their school, to resolve scheduling conflicts, to improve grades, or to advance their studies through dual credit, and Advanced Placement courses which are approved by the College Board. School districts continue to choose IO because the courses are created by Indiana teachers for Indiana students; further, partnering with this non-profit means supporting schools across the state rather than a for-profit corporate entity based elsewhere.

Indiana Online is one of many services offered through the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC). This non-profit is committed to supporting and serving Indiana students and schools through a number of innovative educational programs. So, when school districts choose IO over other for-profit courseware providers, they can trust that they’re supporting Indiana schools and students. 

Indiana teachers and students also benefit from a school district’s choice to utilize IO. One of the most unique aspects of the courses offered through Indiana Online is that Indiana licensed teachers develop the curriculum. This differentiates IO from other providers. According to Laura Garmire, Instructional Design and Curriculum Manager at Indiana Online, “Courseware providers, or vendors, have to provide content for the masses. Most of the country uses Common Core. Indiana does not, so that makes it a little more difficult for the [mass-produced] course to match our standards completely. Our courses are built on Indiana Academic Standards.” Further, Indiana Online courses are continuously updated as state standards are updated. IO requires that course developers are not only licensed in the state of Indiana, but also actively teach the subject for which they are developing content. The same is true of the teachers who deliver the content.  All of these teachers are licensed by the state and teach in their content areas. In short, the curriculum is created in Indiana for Indiana students and schools and taught by licensed teachers.

Because Indiana teachers are developing the curriculum at Indiana Online, schools often find that the rigor of the course material is unmatched when compared to national vendors. It’s important to Indiana Online that students are not simply sitting in front of a computer clicking and guessing through content to reach the end. Rather, IO seeks engagement and challenges to demonstrate high-level thinking. In order to provide a rigorous curriculum, the teachers who are developing the courses undergo training based on Quality Matters® and National Standards for Quality Online Courses. Upon completing this training, one Indiana Online teacher, Jordan Dever, recently noted, “The most surprising part to me was the level of detail that is needed to create an online lesson. The amount of thought, planning, and execution that goes into the work gives me a newfound respect for online course creators…” Schools can feel confident knowing that the courses are of high-quality and support their school’s curriculum goals to give students the best educational opportunities available. Not only does IO challenge students with rigorous curriculum, but we also provide support for students at every level through our dedicated student services team. Kim Hendrick, Indiana Online Executive Director, states “I am so proud of all of our departments at Indiana Online and our dedication to students. We use the tag line ‘Educating Differently’ because we understand that not all students learn the same way. Our Instructional Design team creates content that challenges students and reinforces their learning in an interactive way. We support and serve our schools so they are able to retain their students and offer a high-quality, rigorous curriculum. Students are not just a percentage on a report. Our student service’s team works with struggling students or those that need accommodations.” 

A growing number of school districts across the state select Indiana Online for supplemental and full-time online learning. These schools count on not only the rigorous curriculum, but on the licensed Indiana teachers who support students. The value of this program lies not only in the curriculum, but in supporting the state’s education system as a whole. Indiana Online is a local non-profit program built and governed by Indiana educators. It was created to support Indiana schools and students, not to profit from them. If you would like to explore how your school can partner with Indiana Online, a local program that supports Indiana schools and students, rather than purchase mass-produced content, visit our website or contact us at 317-759-5559.


  • Amanda Domogalik

    Amanda is an Instructional Designer at Indiana Online. A department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center, Indiana Online is the largest non-profit supplemental online course provider in Indiana. With more than 10 years of experience in the fields of education and instructional design, she is passionate about creating quality educational experiences for students. Amanda is also a Quality Matters-Certified K-12 Course Reviewer.

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