Indiana Online and the VLLA Work to Transform Digital Learning

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Indiana Online sometimes partners with other organizations to bolster our commitment to transforming digital learning. This includes the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) which is an association of 15 leading innovative virtual programs in the United States. They aim to strengthen online learning through leadership, advocacy, expertise, and professional relationships.

Indiana Online became a member of the VLLA in 2013, greatly strengthening our own program. Through our membership, Indiana Online can utilize resources from all of the members and share expertise to transform educational best practices. All members openly share best practices and expertise to transform educational practices positively.

A VLLA membership allows us to participate in collaborative opportunities, like monthly workgroup meetings, shared national conference presentations,  and yearly face-to-face meetings, It also allows us to share curriculum, marketing ideas and materials, evaluations, and more. This allows us to enrich our courses using fewer financial resources and optimize quality learning experiences for our students.

Our membership also means that we can offer more to our teachers who have access to professional development on a national level, such as a Virtual EdCamp, online book study, and webinars offered by other states.

The VLLA shares ideas and creates solutions so we can accomplish goals beyond the capacity of any single member organization. Together, member organizations serve well over a quarter of a million online course enrollments annually.  

We’re thrilled to have this partnership and provide stronger resources to our students, parents, counselors, and teachers.


  • Kim Hendrick

    Kim Hendrick serves as the Director of Indiana Online, a department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC). She oversees the largest non-profit online supplemental course provider in Indiana. Kim and her team have built an online program partnering with over 300 high schools across the state of Indiana with over 35,000+ enrollments and 300+ teachers. Kim has over 30 years of professional experience, is a strong leader and change agent with the innovation insight, vision, and enthusiasm necessary to inspire teams for the growth and development of online education and policy at the state and national levels. She serves as the Vice President of the Executive Board for the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA), is a member of the leadership team for AccredVEd, and serves on the executive committee for the Digital Learning Collaborative (DLC).

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