International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022

In 2015, The United Nations General Assembly deemed February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The 2022 theme for International Day of Women and Girls in Science Seventh Congress is “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Water Unites Us”. This year’s Congress will bring together women scientists, government officials, and leaders of international organizations as well as members of the private sector, to discuss the importance of water in achieving three standards of sustainable development. These standards are: economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental integrity. 

In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we would like to highlight what a few of our fantastic female science teachers have stated drew them to the field of science, particularly as educators.  

“I have always loved science and doing experiments. As a little girl, I would take things apart and try to figure out how things would work. I wanted to become an Engineer and went to college to pursue my dream but then life happened, and I switched majors to become a Science teacher. I have loved every bit of it because I get to ignite that spark and love for science with my students. I try to make my class as entertaining as possible, so students don’t dread coming but want to learn more and try new things. I have started my own science enrichment company “Nyla Nova STEMversity” in which I go to schools and organizations and spread some STEM cheer and ignite that spark for learning science.”

 – Mrs. Nakeisha Washington, Indiana Online Academy Science Teacher 

“I was drawn to science because it was the first class to challenge me. I started in Chemistry and was not always welcome. I have too many stories of how it was in the old days. Women during that time were mainly Biology majors as the belief was women could not do advanced math. During my college visit, the Dean of Science patted me on the head and told me I was cute for wanting to be a Chemist. He wouldn’t take me seriously until he saw my ACT scores.  During my time working in the industry, I went to technical exchanges where I was not allowed to speak, so as to not offend the men in the room.   

I figured if I wasn’t welcome in their club, then I would encourage the next generation of girls to flood it with women scientists. So, I became a teacher.”

-Ms. Nancy Coster,Indiana Online Physics Teacher

“I was inspired to go into the field of Science by my high school Science teacher. She was young and enthusiastic about making science interesting to us. She excited us with hands-on activities, helped us make connections to the real world, and I always loved coming to her class. I knew that I wanted to excite young people about the field of Science the same way she did. Now, years later, I am thankful I chose the field of Science education so I can do the same for my students who may be interested in a career in Science.”

– Ms. Allison Nixon, Indiana Online Integrated Chemistry and Physics Teacher

This day is celebrated globally in different ways both large and small. We encourage you to take some time today to learn more about female scientists who have contributed so much to the field. You might recognize some of the names, but there are many more that you may not have heard about nor the contributions they made that have changed the world. 

In the eloquent words of Madame Marie Curie, Radioactivity Researcher and Nobel Prize Record-Setter, ”We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”  Girls who are dreaming of joining the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), take heed of what your predecessors, teachers, and mentors have said: with confidence and perseverance you can attain your goals. They are paving the way for you to follow your dreams! You are standing on the shoulders of giants!  

Indiana Online is one of the largest online supplemental high school course providers in the state, offering a wide variety of year-round and summer courses. Learn more about Indiana Online and how we help Indiana schools serve their students. 

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  • Ally Swensen

    Allynn “Ally” is the Marketing and Partnerships Coordinator at Indiana Online, a department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center.Indiana Online is the largest non-profit supplemental online course provider in Indiana. Ally oversees and develops marketing initiatives to further the awareness, growth, and development of Indiana Online as well as project management of other internal initiatives. Ally has 20+ years experience in online learning. Ally has served as co-chair on the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) marketing workgroup.

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