Online Learning offers a Successful Summer School Experience

Online Learning offers a Successful Summer School Experience

We have all learned many things from the pandemic, one being education can be delivered in a non-traditional format with a teacher-led engaging curriculum. Online learning has become the norm and many students excel in the online environment which allows them to learn at their own pace while developing independent learning and time management skills. Online learning also provides an avenue for personalized learning with teachers to support the student’s learning path throughout the course.

Taking courses over the Summer is an excellent way for students to keep their learning skills fresh, repeat a course for a better grade or work ahead of pace. Students who enroll in online Summer School have the flexibility to travel, attend summer camps, or be employed while earning credits towards their high school diploma. School districts also benefit by offering a wide range of courses with minimal staff.  

Many schools offer their own summer school options or partner with other districts. One choice is Indiana Online, a department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC), which served over 28,000 students across Indiana with online learning last year. We have partnered with over 300 schools to offer supplemental 7-12th grade, AP, and Ivy Tech dual credit online courses. Last year, we provided online Summer School for 148 high schools. We asked three of our long-time partners for comments regarding their student’s experience.

Brant Donovan, Principal of Cascade High School stated “Cascade High School students have benefited from taking Indiana Online courses to help them complete required credits during the summer, allowing flexibility during the school year to complete AP and other high-level courses. Students who were negatively affected by COVID or other life circumstances have benefitted from taking Indiana Online summer course offerings to help them stay on track for their four-year plan.”

“Our students are extremely active during the summer, but they still want to utilize summer school courses to get ahead on credits, repeat courses they were not successful in, or just take an elective that sounds interesting.” Matt Swaim, Guidance Director of Fishers High School said “Online learning gives our students the flexibility to take summer school courses and it also allows them to engage in the activities they do during the summer. It is really the best of both worlds.”

Bradley Miller, Guidance Director of Perry Meridian High School stated “Offering students an online option for the summer has been a no brainer. Our partnership has allowed us to offer a wide array of courses for our students at no additional burden in regards to personnel, finances, or facilities to the district. Our participation and pass rates have been at an all-time high. Covid has shown us that students will need to continue to adapt to non-traditional methods of instruction and our partnership with Indiana Online has allowed our students another opportunity to make up for lost credits and/or get ahead in certain subjects.  This allows students who would not be able to provide their own transportation or have obligations outside of our district during the summer to take coursework.  Eliminating barriers and increasing opportunities is a win for all.” Students who were negatively affected by COVID or other life circumstances have benefitted from taking Indiana Online summer course offerings to help them stay on track for their four-year plan.”

With the increase in hybrid and e-learning options, students are beginning to choose virtual learning as their path for education. In August of 2021, Indiana Online launched Indiana Online Academy (IOA) to help support schools in retaining their students looking for a full-time virtual solution. The program allows schools to keep their students enrolled while also offering them a full-time online educational experience. Please visit our website for more information. We stand ready to support your school and serve your students with achieving their academic goals.
