Indiana Online Contributes to National Standards for Quality

Indiana Online aims to maintain the highest standards to provide the best learning opportunities for our students. As a part of that promise, we are honored to be actively involved in the creation of those standards with the National Standards for Quality (NSQ).

The NSQ Online Learning is an ongoing project to continuously revise the National Standards for Quality Online Courses, Programs, and Teaching led by a partnership between Quality Matters and the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance with widespread community support.

The purpose of NSQ revision initiative is to provide the K-12 online and blended learning community with an updated set of openly licensed standards to help evaluate and improve online courses, online teaching, and online programs.

In addition to Indiana Online being listed as one of the NSQ supporters, Laura Garmire was also involved in the review process of the new Standards.

Indiana Online’s Executive Director, Ronda Eshleman was a contributor for the Online Program Standards, as well as part of the NSQ Leadership team, the group that helped shape and guide the standards revision.

We consider the NSQ Online Courses, Online Teaching, and Online Programs as K-12 online learning’s premier set of quality standards, and as such, pledge to help promote and use the standards where appropriate.

“Being part of a national group of leaders to contribute to the standards was an incredible experience. I learned a lot from others across the nation. Our program prides itself on quality, and we were honored to be included in this process. These updated standards will be incredibly valuable to anyone implementing online and blended learning,” says Ronda Eshleman, Executive Director of Indiana Online.

Learn more about the National Standards at NSQOL.

National Standards for Quality Online Learning


  • Kim Hendrick

    Kim Hendrick serves as the Director of Indiana Online, a department of the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC). She oversees the largest non-profit online supplemental course provider in Indiana. Kim and her team have built an online program partnering with over 300 high schools across the state of Indiana with over 35,000+ enrollments and 300+ teachers. Kim has over 30 years of professional experience, is a strong leader and change agent with the innovation insight, vision, and enthusiasm necessary to inspire teams for the growth and development of online education and policy at the state and national levels. She serves as the Vice President of the Executive Board for the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA), is a member of the leadership team for AccredVEd, and serves on the executive committee for the Digital Learning Collaborative (DLC).

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