We are pleased to welcome Brooke Tyree to the Indiana Online team as our Program Coordinator. She brings high level skills with a technology, customer service, and enrollment background. Brooke will be instrumental in supporting our Instructional Design team with our courses and Learning Management System, and she will be coordinating many functions of our Student Services team in our Student Information System. Brooke will also help coordinate school partnerships as she works with our Outreach team. She will serve on the national Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) Operations Committee.
Brooke has 11 years of experience in the field of online learning through the Indiana Virtual Academy (IndVA). For the past 10 years she has served as the Program Coordinator, assisting in the internal operations and maintenance of the IndVA program. She also served as the main point of contact for guidance counselors and she supported students, parents, and IndVA instructors during tenure. The IndVA has worked hand-in-hand with Indiana Online over the years, as they are the only other online non-profit supplemental provider in the state.